Wilderness Adventure Kayak Trailer is a company based in Holland, Michigan where I moved after thirty years of working in Manhattan. We developed a quality line of trailers designed to get people on to their next adventure.
I switched from a great view of the water to a great time on the water. It was a move from the steel and glass canyons of the city to the gigantic sand dunes, grand rivers, and beautiful forests of west Michigan. I gave up one love and found another, as I explored the incredible natural beauty of Michigan. Using kayak and bike, I got closer to nature than at any time in my life.
To explore these great venues correctly, good gear is needed. These paddling adventures gave rise to finding quality paddling and camping equipment, which need to be hauled conveniently and safely. After years of experimenting with different gear hauling options, and in conjunction with a local manufacturer, the Kayak Kaboose was developed. We worked together to produce a high quality, reasonably priced trailer that can take the rugged two tracks of the woods, the snow and sand, saltwater and yet, that are “built to last”.
All the products we offer are “built to last”. This means all steel parts are dipped galvanized. The 14- gauge steel frames are welded and made for rugged conditions. Even the tires and suspension are designed for high-speed use.
Adventurers tend to travel and pack differently and use different, but similar gear; we needed to offer options and customized applications. Some folks needed a trailer for long kayaks that were too heavy and awkward to put on their car roof. Some wanted to take bikes along. Some wanted to use their own bike racks. Some needed space for wide-bodied fishing kayaks. Others had the added storage need for the foot pedal mechanisms of high- end fishing kayaks. Some wanted more storage space for camping and fishing. One customer wanted to take his bikes, kayaks and have special masts for his hammock camping activity. Another wanted to take his motorcycle and kayaks together. One fellow wanted a sleeping platform for camping amidst the marsh lands. We have a Hobie Cat trailer for those wonderful sailing products using their cradles or alternatives. One good customer has limited use of only one arm and needed a winch design that could load his heavy fishing kayak with electric motor, and also take his wife’s sea kayak; we were very pleased to provide a solution.
One question that always comes up is,” Can you ship these trailers”? Yep, we can. The trailer is delivered on a skid with all the parts included. Because the core of the trailer is a welded frame, we can build the skid around the frame for stability. All the other parts bolt onto the welded frame, so assembly is straight forward. However, we always try to provide a delivered assembled option; where we have multiple customers, we can expand the radius of efficient delivery with our version of a “milk run”. Because of the wide-spread geographic interest we are planning on regional staging locations to provide greater delivery efficiency. We have shipped and delivered these trailers from Idaho to Texas to New Jersey and down to Florida.
As you can infer from our discussion, there are lots of variables in what we do. However, our goal is narrowly focused which is simply to provide you with the best trailer application for your use and do it economically.
In sum, the team that brings you this series of trailers is really pleased with the response to this trailer offering. And we are honored to serve you. If you need more information, please call me
Contact Us
We would love to discuss with you the best trailer configuration for you…let’s chat. We are here to answer your questions.
We take great care to help you design your trailer that best accommodates your gear. Let us know the length and model of your kayaks, whether you want to bring bikes with you and if you already have a bike rack that attaches to a hitch at the rear of your vehicle. Also are you interested in storage racks that secure in-frame for cargo containers? We will send you a cost spreadsheet once we have this information.